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Sektor Keberhasilan ditubuhkan pada 1 Mac 2022 dan terdiri daripada seorang Pengarah, tiga (3) orang pegawai latihan dan seorang setiausaha kursus (SUK).


  • Mengendalikan Kursus Jangka Pendek, Bicara Ilmu dan Seminar yang berkaitan dengan bidang keberhasilan (SBK) Perladangan, Pertanian & Industri Asas Tani, Pelancongan, Pemborongan dan Peruncitan, Hartanah dan Industri Pembinaan yang berimpak tinggi.
  • Membangunkan modul dan program berkaitan SBK.
  • Melaksanakan Program kolaborasi bersama pakar industri berkaitan yang terpilih.
  • Memantapkan aktiviti berkaitan SBK melalui pemberian khidmat nasihat dan konsultasi yang berimpak tinggi.
  • Membimbing dan sebagai pemudah cara kepada koperasi dalam SBK.
  • Menjalankan penyelidikan dan penulisan koperasi berkaitan bidang keberhasilan.
  • Melaksanakan kolaborasi dengan industri, agensi-agensi dan Federasi Koperasi berkaitan dalam pemantapan bidang keberhasilan.
  • Mempromosi program berkaitan bidang keberhasilan.

Kursus yang ditawarkan :

Kursus yang ditawarkan seperti:

  • Co-op Tourism: Potensi Bisnes Pelancongan Koperasi
  • Potensi Koperasi Dalam Sektor Hartanah
  • S.M.A.R.T Peruncitan (Pengurusan & Operasi Pasar Mini)
  • Pengurusan Stok & Inventori Barangan Niaga
  • Pembangunan Produk (USP: Pembungkusan & Penjenamaan)
  • Peningkatan Jualan Perniagaan melalui Kemahiran Negosiasi dan Komunikasi (Pasar Mini)
  • Bijak Niaga (Merancang Perniagaan Pasar Mini & Produk)
  • Kursus Fertigasi Tanaman Terpilih (Cili)
  • Kursus Pengurusan Projek Tanaman Kelapa
  • Kursus Pengurusan Ternakan Lembu & Kambing (Pedaging)
  • Kursus Pengurusan Ladang Sawit Berkesan
Hubungi Kami:

Sebarang pertanyaan tuan/puan boleh hubungi maklumat seperti di bawah:

Sektor Keberhasilan
Institut Koperasi Malaysia,
103, Jalan Templer,
46700 Petaling Jaya,

Telefon : 03-7964 000 ext:066   (SUK: Pn. Nurul Izza bt Zamuri)
Emel : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Tourism, Personal Care and Health Sector is a new sector established in the Co-operative Institute of Malaysia (CIM) in January 2016. The vision of this sector is to become a cooperative choice learning center in the Tourism, Self Care and Health Sector.In line with this, the Sector's mission is to provide quality and effective training programs within the sector.


  1. To provide, offer and hold courses/ programmes related to tourism, personal care and health
  2. To conduct research and provide advice to co-operatives engaged with the tourism, personal care and health sector
  3. Contribute academic articles for CIM publications.

Courses Offered

This sector offers courses focused on three main areas, namely tourism, personal care and health.

The courses offered such as

  1. Cooperatives Preparatory Course in Tourism/Spa Business Cooperatives
  2. Cooperatives Preparatory Course in Homestay Business
  3. Homestay Business Management (Intermediate)
  4. Itinerary Preparation in Travel, Self Care and Health Activities
  5. Preparation of Travel Packages Locally and Abroad,
  6. Preparatory Course as a Mutawif in the Holy Land
  7. Makeup Services Business
  8. Tour Leader Profesional
Contact Us:

For any enquiries please contact the information as below:

Tourism, Personal Care & Health Sector
Cooperative College of Malaysia ,
103, Jalan Templer,
46700 Petaling Jaya,

  03-7964 9068    03-7954 3957
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tourism, Personal Care & Health Sector Official Facebook


The educational aspect is vital in efforts to build human capital, develop intellectual strength, enhance business knowledge as well as forming a positive attitude. This is the third core strategy outlined in the National Co-operative Policy (DKN) 2011-2020 entrusted to the Malaysia Co-operative Institute (MCI) as one of the implementing agencies. One area of focus is the Property and Construction Industry Sector, which is expected to contribute significantly to the asset ownership value and revenue of co-operatives by 2020.

The Property and Construction Industry Sector is a sector created by MCI starting in 2016, as an implementor of the National Co-operative Policy (DKN) 2011-2020. The development of training programmes in the field of property development and construction industry is the result of discussion and research on training needs to suit the requirements of co-operative movement and in line with the changing current environment. The programme to be implemented are short-term programmes, seminars, professional talks and workshops.


In order to further bolster activities in the property and construction industry, this sector serves to:

  1. Provide training programmes related to the property and construction industry sector to strengthen the management of co-operatives in carrying out this activity.
  2. Forge strategic cooperation with agencies and co-operatives related to the property and construction industry sector.
  3. Provide academic material related to the property and construction industry sector through on-site case studies and research.
Contact Us:

For any enquiries please contact the information as below:

Property & Construction Industry Sector
Cooperative College of Malaysia ,
103, Jalan Templer,
46700 Petaling Jaya,

 03-7964 9064     03-7954 3957
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Property & Construction Industry Sector Official Facebook


The Plantation and Agro-based Sector (SPAT) sector was officially established in January 2016. SPAT was created to support the aspirations of the Cooperative Movement and the National Cooperative Policy 2011-2020 which is to promote and enhance earnings of co-operatives involved in the Plantation and Agro-Based sector. SPAT is responsible for managing, coordinating and implementing training, seminars and consultations related to plantation (oil palm) and agro-based activities.


In line with the establishment of the SPAT which is to provide specialized training to cooperative movements involved with the plantation and agro-based sectors. The programmes implemented include short-term courses, Professional Talk, Seminars and consultations related to this field.

In order to achieve the planned courses and to have a great impact on the training given, SPAT has taken the initiative to collaborate with government and private agencies in the plantation and agro-based sectors. This collaboration needs to be done in view of the vast majority of SPATs programmes are technical and skills-based, as well as to improve the quality and effectiveness of the programs implemented. Most SPAT courses are "hands on" which is the direct and theoretical course of practice.

The diversity of programs implemented will enhance the performance and contribution of cooperatives involved in plantation (oil palm) and agro-based activities. In addition, SPAT also provides consultancy services, particularly those related to this area.

Contact Us:

For any enquiries please contact the information as below:

Plantation And Agro-Based Sector
Cooperative College of Malaysia ,
103, Jalan Templer,
46700 Petaling Jaya,

  03-7964 9000      03-7954 3957
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Plantation And Agro-Based Sector (Spat) Official Facebook


Wholesale and Retail Sector is one of the six (6) economic areas introduced in the National Co-operative Policy (DKN 2011-2020). It is seen as one of the sectors that can provide returns to the cooperative sector's revenue of RM50 billion by 2020. Accordingly, the Wholesale and Retail Sector of MCI was established to realise the aims of DKN in generating the economy and income of the co-operatives sector through involvement in wholesaling and retailing as well as helping the government stabilise the prices of essential goods and special supplies in small towns and rural areas.


In line with the vision of MCI to become a world class co-operative institution, the Wholesale and Retail Sector of MCI is always progressive in offering courses oriented to the current needs and requirements as well as being practical under this field such as :

  1. To provide exposure to co-operatives on wholesale and retail business.
  2. To identify the type of wholesale and retail business they undertake.
  3. To apply the knowledge acquired in the wholesale and retail business in co-operatives.
  4. To strengthen wholesale and retail activities carried out by co-operatives.

The main role of the Wholesale and Retail Sector of MCI is to train and guide Co-operative Board Members (ALK), co-operative workforce, officers supervising co-operatives or individuals interested in the field of wholesale and retail. In formulating useful courses, the Wholesale and Retail Sector of MCI is always proactive and open to issues and current developments in its teaching and learning sessions in order to be in line with today’s era of globalisation.

In addition, the Wholesale and Retail Sector of MCI also gives consultation services to co-operatives that carry out business activities under this area such as supermarkets, retail stores, laundry, gas stations, and franchises.

The Wholesale and Retail Sector of MCI is also involved in tailor-made courses or knowledge-based activities together with the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism (KPDNKK), Malaysia Co-operative Societies Commission (SKM), ANGKASA or government agencies and ministries under the same area. Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) is an example of an agency that has entered into a memorandum of understanding with MCI through the Wholesale and Retail Sector of MCI in providing exposure for the franchise business system to ensure continuity of co-operative products in the market in a systematic and professional manner.

The Wholesale and Retail Sector of MCI also produces writings related to research, case studies, journals and others to be adopted in the simulation model thus improving competency and professionalism among academic staff as well as co-operatives as a guide in managing co-operatives more efficiently.

Contact Us:

For any enquiries please contact the information as below:

Wholesale and Retail Sector
Cooperative College of Malaysia ,
103, Jalan Templer,
46700 Petaling Jaya,

  03-7964 9066     03-7954 3957
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wholesale & Retail Sector Official Facebook