Nuri Cyber Lab
Air-conditioned computer lab equipped with 32 computers, multimedia systems, powerful Core 2 Duo 2.8GHz, 1GB Ram DVD-Writer and speaker are provided with Internet facilities for use by participants who attend computer courses. In addition to use the facility for education purposes, this facility can also be rented by outside parties in the absence of a course with reasonable rates. The rates are in accordance with the agency's hiring as follows. The computers can be use per day from 8.00 am to 4.30 pm (following payments for more than 5 hours)
Cooperative |
Government Departments / Agencies |
Private |
RM45.00 |
RM45.00 |
RM45.00 |
Lecture Room Hornbill
CIM Sarawak offer a lecture room named Hornbill Lecture Room. Lecture Room Hornbill (BKK) is located on the 2nd floor, next to the mosque. Lecture rooms are equipped with the latest audio-visual system, including a television, a sound system, microphones, LCD projector, screen and whiteboard for teaching and learning. This lecture room can accommodate approximately 50 people at one particular time. People from outside can rent the lecture room if it is not in use with the following rates:
Facility |
Cooperative |
Government Departments and Agencies |
Private |
Use more than 5 hours |
RM160.00 a day |
RM210.00 a day |
RM260.00 a day |
Use more than 5 hours |
RM110.00 a day |
RM130 a day |
RM160.00 |

CIM Sarawak also provides a library, air-conditioned, equipped with a collection of books and a variety of related courses that are offered to the participants in the reference collection of books for general reading. This facility is not only meant for the employees of CIMS but also for the convenience of the students during the course period. The library will be governed by computer technicians starting from January 2010 for the purpose to monitor the library movements.