Course & Facilities Booking
The MITS project allows the use of the existing facilities of the Malaysia Co-operative Institute to be shared comprehensible and can be optimized by the various parties.
The MITS project allows the use of the existing facilities of the Malaysia Co-operative Institute to be shared comprehensible and can be optimized by the various parties. At the same time, this project also enables user to search for available facilities or applying for courses offered by CIM via online. Services are now not limited only to civil servants but are open for the public to enjoy the facilities offered by CIM

Enables library patrons to search and access ILMU’s catalogue collection from any web-enabled PC wherever they are using a web browser. Users can also perform online reservations for items that have been borrowed by others, view multimedia clippings and view, print and email documents and images linked to any bibliographic record, by leveraging on the latest browser technology to enhance productivity and efficiency. Web OPAC is linked to Amazon.com to loading the book cover and author review for the retrieved bibliographic record.